The operational landscape and responsibilities of International Fire Service have changed dramatically over the last 15 years, which greatly affects the scope, severity and importantly the numbers of incidents attended worldwide. Over the same period significant changes have occurred to building design and construction with large and complex builds being rapidly undertaken. In the current climate, with resource constraints and imposed efficiency savings, emergency service organisations (ESO) must focus on developing the knowledge and expertise concerning these new building construction techniques, complex fire prevention strategies, multi-occupancy premises, and inter-operability command protocols that are required to resolve these complex incidents.
ESO must also find the most effective and efficient strategies to develop policy and procedure, and deliver training programs that enhance the capability of personnel to respond to emergencies in these and traditional buildings.
The use of simulation as a tool within a comprehensive and consistent training strategy offers a number of advantages. In particular, XVR simulation provides high fidelity and realistic training opportunities for both the emergency services and relevant stakeholders to train and practise for the unexpected.
Dr. Katherine Lamb is a respected authority on the Incident Command training and assessment. For the last 4 years she specialised in Incident Command and crisis decision making, and developed and established the Introspect Model. This development tool is used to train and assess command competence and decision making, and is widely used within the UK fire service domain. In addition, she has published several scientific, peer-reviewed articles on the origin and application of competence assessment methodologies within the Fire Service environment.
In 2015 and in collaboration with Dr. David Launder from South Australian Fire Service, she has established Effective Command, is a charitable organization which has been set up to bring together best practices in Incident Command development and assessment.
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